On January the 28th, 2021 “Turkmen Logistics” Association within the framework for implementing objectives assigned by Memorandum on cooperation with “СILT” Kazakhstan, supported by USAID project on competitiveness, trade and job creation (CTJ) has held the joint online-workshop on “Development of container and multimodal transportation. Specific characteristic of consolidated carriage of goods. Growth of transport and logistics business”. Heads and representatives of transport and logistics companies of Turkmenistan, such as IE “Maksatly ýol gurluşyk”, ES “Ýyndam ýollar”, IE “Aziýa ulaglary”, IE “Ýükli kerwen”, IE “Nesibeli Ýol”, ES “Ulag ekspeditorçylyk hyzmatlary”, ES “Älem Dostlugy”, ES “At-abraý”, IE “Beýik ýüpek ýoly”, OJSC “Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan (TULM)”, ES “Amatly-Ýollar”, IE “Kuwwatly Ýollar”, ES “Türkmen ak ýol”, ES “Ynamly Tor” have participated in this event.
The Chairman of “Turkmen Logistics” Association together with the President of СILT Central Asia and Deputy General Director for Logistics of JSC “KTZ EXPRESS” addressed the participants with welcoming speech. Tulendiev Yerlan Ernisovich the regional branch manager of “Zapadnyi” of JSC “KTZ EXPRESS” was the invited speaker at this event.
The main goal of this online-workshop is information and experience sharing in the field of container and multimodal transportation, improving the business environment of the international logistics field, developing the relationship between Associations and their members, gaining an international experience and practicing it by local transport and logistics companies.
“Turkmen Logistics” Association shall contribute to further development and business improvement regarding the level of professionalism of specialists in logistics of our country, to get comprehensive international information in the field of transport and logistics and introduce it into the activities of freight forwarding companies by carrying out and participating in such events.
This seminar served as an open platform which helps to discuss issues on upgrading activities of participants in the market of transport and logistics services, as well as to share views of experts and specialists.
Today, the transport sector of Turkmenistan reaches the new level of development, expanding its horizons of cooperation all over the world. “Turkmen Logistics” Association makes a significant contribution to the development of transport and logistics sector of our country and intends to develop its activity both on the territory of Turkmenistan and abroad.