“Turkmen Logistics” Association summed up the results for the first year of its activity.


A General Meeting of the members of “Turkmen Logistics” Association took place on June the 30th 2021. Important issues related to the logistics field at the national and global levels, ways of its further development were put on the agenda.
The Chairman of the Board of “Turkmen Logistics” Association addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. Congratulating the participants on the first anniversary of the establishment of a new public association, the Chairman expressed gratitude to all the heads of companies for their active participation in the work of the Association.
“By combining our efforts, we have created a platform for a constructive dialogue and the development of a common strategy in our activities. Admission of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association to associated membership of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) and signing of partnership agreements with specialized associations of CIS countries, Europe and Asia became a significant success” noted in his welcoming speech the Deputy Chairman V. A. Kadyrov.
The picture of performed work was supplemented by the heads of transport and logistics companies in their speeches.
As it was noted, the establishment of the Association is a dictate of the time and meets the interests of the state and private business. The Association’s activity contributes to the formation of a high-quality logistics services market in Turkmenistan, as well as to improving the efficiency and competitiveness of organizations of the transport and logistics infrastructure of Turkmenistan when integrated into the global transport and logistics network. Over a dozen meetings with the business community of countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Turkey and others were held in order to build partnership relations. The work on establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with relevant associations and unions is in progress. In order to learn the international experience for providing freight forwarding services, the Association contributed the organization and participation of its members in training seminars on the introduction of innovative digital systems in the implementation of cargo transportation.
The invited guest to the General Meeting, Charyev Perkhat a senior lecturer of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan noted the applied meaning of the joint initiative of the Institute of International Relations and the “Turkmen Logistics” Association to conduct an optional course “Transport Diplomacy” for graduate students – future specialists on international relations. On behalf of the Institute of International Relations, he handed an Appreciation letter to the Chairman of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association.
After having heard the report on the activities of the Association and listening to the Board members of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association all those participated at the General Meeting recognized the work as satisfactory. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association, foreign partners addressed their video greetings to the members of the General Meeting.