The membership of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association has been replenished with new companies.


Today, in our country, domestic entrepreneurship is an important and significant segment of the national economy. Representatives of small and medium-size enterprises make a significant contribution to the implementation of large-scale government programs, expand their participation in all significant sectors of the national economy from year to year, create enterprises that contribute to the intensification of international economic relations and foreign trade of Turkmenistan. The transport and logistics sector identifies as one of the most assimilated and dynamically developing areas of the economy.
The economic society “Halkara türkmen logistik” being a fairly young but at the same time dynamically developing company, began its activities in the field of cargo transportation in January 2022, and considers it necessary to develope under the aegis of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association, which represents the interests of the country’s transport and logistics enterprises in international level. For its part, the “Turkmen Logistics” Association is actively involved in the presentation of transport and logistics enterprises outside of Turkmenistan as a single entity. This makes it possible to present the transport and transit potential of the country in a more favorable light and strengthens the competitive advantages of Turkmenistan in this area.
The economic society “Halkara türkmen logistik” has been honorably awarded a certificate of membership of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association with the wishes of further prosperity and strengthening in the market of transport and logistics services.