International transport & logistics exhibition “Logitrans Turkiye”


On November 16, the International Transport & Logistics Exhibition “Logitrans Turkiye” opened in Istanbul. This year, the exhibition is organized at the Yenikapı Fairground in Istanbul, Turkey and will be open from 16 to 18 November 2022. LogiTrans exhibition is an important platform for the $25 billion international transport logistics exhibition, which is considered the most powerful platform in terms of establishing business relationships in the intercontinental supply chain between Europe and Asia.

An important and significant event at this exhibition was the participation of a member of the Association – the company “Beyik Yupek Yoly” (Great Silk Road Network) with its bright stand. Thanks to assistance and support of the Great Silk Road Network, a place was also allocated for the stand of the “Turkmen Logistics” Association, where places the logo and slogan of the Association – “We unite the best!”

The joint stand became the center of attention for all visitors of this exhibition, among which were also members of the Association – the companies “Tylla Nal” and “Meno Logistics Turkmen”.
We express our sincere gratitude to the member of the Association – the Great Silk Road Network for the support provided and we also thank the companies “Tylla Nal” and “Meno Logistics Turkmen” for visiting our stand.