Join into the Association

For joining the Association, you need the following:
1. Inform the Management of the Association about your willingness to join the Association “Turkmen Logistics”:
744000, Nazar Gullayev str 33, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Telephone: +(993 12) 75-40-00;
2. Get acquainted with the Charter of the Association.
3. Fill in the Application form for Admission, which can be obtained in the office of the Association. The application shall have attached thereto documents according to the List of documents required for joining the Association:

List of documents required for joining the Association
Documents required for individuals (entrepreneurs):
  • Copy of the patent
  • Copy of the registration Certificate
  • Copy of the passport
  • Application in a due form
  • Personal data card of an Entrepreneur
  • Copies of the Licenses
  • Bank details
  • Information about transport facilities
  • Payment order for admission fee
Documents required for legal entities:
  • Copy of the Charter
  • Copy of the EGRPO (Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Copy of the certificate
  • Copy of the manager’s passport and the order
  • Application in a due form
  • Personal data card of the manager of organization
  • Copies of the Licenses
  • Information about transport facilities
  • Bank details
  • Payment order for admission fee

4.Make an admission fee.

Members of the Association are obliged to observe the following:
  • comply with the rules of the Charter, implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Association, respect and support the views of members, take active participation in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Association;
  • provide the information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Association, as well as all the necessary identifying data of the member of the Association, and in case of changes notify about it in an urgent manner;
  • pay admission, membership, and other fees in a timely manner in accordance with procedures prescribed by this Charter;
  • fulfill the assumed financial obligations to the Association;
  • not to carry out actions that violate the rules of the Charter of the Association, the ethics of mutual relations, as well as actions that cause pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage to the Association.