On August 8, 2022, the foundation was laid for a new automobile bridge across the Garabogaz Kol Bay on the Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-Kazakhstan state highway planned for reconstruction. The capsule-laying ceremony was attended by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, members of the Government and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the financial and industrial group “Altcom” Road Construction” Alexander Tislenko, companies that will design and build the facility.
The total length of the bridge with two-way two-lane traffic will be 354 meters, width – 21 meters. Within two years, roads leading to the bridge, recreation centers for drivers and passengers, a hotel, technical service centers, bus stops, automated systems for monitoring the weight and dimensions of vehicles, lighting, and road signs will also be built.
The new bridge and the reconstruction of the highway will strengthen the position of Turkmenistan as the most important transport and logistics hub of regional and continental importance. At the same time, the new bridge will significantly increase the volume of cargo transportation between the eastern and northern regions of the country.
Relevance and demand for the construction of a new bridge for the effective use of transport and logistics potential of the two countries was emphasized during negotiations between the President of Turkmenistan and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in October 2021 as part of the state visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan.